
Friday Fictioneers: The Dire-Man (pt 1)

Thought I’d try something a bit different and use a couple of week’s worth of Friday Fictioneers to make a longer story.

The challenge will be molding each picture to the larger narrative, but everyone loves a challenge right?

Okay, disclaimer out of the way, please enjoy the first part of The Dire-Man.

Copyright-Dawn Q. Landau

The Dire-Man (pt 1)

When I was growing up, the house on the beach was where the Dire-Man lived. We never saw him, but our parents and older siblings would tell us that he stole children from their beds on full moons and took them to his red house. The house, three battered red walls and no roof, sat atop a rock on the edge of the surf.

When I returned to my family home years later, I told the stories to my children and soothed their fears and thought nothing of my parental cruelty.

Until my son vanished during the first full moon.

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Another Friday Fictioneers story with prompt supplied by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

By Sean Fallon

Hi, my name is Sean W. Fallon and I want to be a writer. I've wanted to be a writer since I was eight years old. This blog is a place for me to write. A place to write ideas or jokes or snippets of stories or opinions or whatever. All practice is good as they say.

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