
Friday Fictioneers: The Kingsford Tiger


Here in Kingsford we do whatever we can to stave off boredom.

Each citizen is encouraged to be as wacky as possible when renovating their houses or upgrading their cars. The more palm trees in your front garden the better we say.

We released the tiger into the town about two months ago and it’s been a godsend. Always got something to talk about when we see each other in the street.

‘Who’s been eaten today?’ ‘Is that the tiger?’ ‘Why aren’t you running?’

Yeah, I think without that tiger I don’t know what we’d do.

Keeps everyone fit too.


Another Friday Fictioneers story with prompt supplied by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.


My ebook, available at Amazon. 

Marrying the Animal



By Sean Fallon

Hi, my name is Sean W. Fallon and I want to be a writer. I've wanted to be a writer since I was eight years old. This blog is a place for me to write. A place to write ideas or jokes or snippets of stories or opinions or whatever. All practice is good as they say.

44 replies on “Friday Fictioneers: The Kingsford Tiger”

Thanks Rochelle, got the idea when I was visiting my in-laws in a small country town in Australia. I had a dream that there was a tiger roaming the streets and for some reason your picture prompt brought it back to me. Thanks 🙂

Liked by 2 people

I like it, reminds me of a joke. Two guys in the jungle see a tiger that starts running at them. They run away and one guy says to the other, ‘Do you think you can outrun it?’ and the other guy says, ‘Doesn’t matter, I only need to outrun you’


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