
Friday Fictioneers: 21st Century Campfire Story



So this bro checks his iPhone right, and the killer’s left a tweet. #Yourenext. So this dude freaks and thinks, well, how did this killer dude know where I am and junk, right? He checks his privacy settings. He’s put his location in his profile like an idiot. He goes around the house and locks all the doors and then gets another tweet. #didyoulockthebathroomwindow. The bro is like, damn, I gotta text 911. Then he realises that the killer has dropped a pin. He checks it out with Google Earth. The bro freaks, the tweet came from inside the house.


Another Friday Fictioneers story with prompt supplied by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.


My ebook, available at Amazon. 

Marrying the Animal