
100 Word TV Review: Doctor Who: Last Christmas


I can’t not like an episode of Doctor Who in which Father Christmas calls himself Big Poppa Crimbo. This Christmas episode was definitely one of the better ones, which is cool as usually ones not dealing with a regeneration tend to not be great (with the exception of Christmas Carol, which is one of the best Doctor Whos ever). Moffat does well to marry his Christmas story with Aliens, Inception, and The Thing, while wrapping up the Danny/Clara storyline (or not) and returning Clara to the Doctor’s side for another season which will probably not to out until August. Crap!


100 Word TV Review: Gotham: The Mask


Last week Gotham put the gangsters/Gordon forward and the episode was great. This week had Barbara, Catwoman, Nygma, and Bruce Wayne’s school life and suffered for it (Actually I did like Wayne beating up Tommy Elliot/Baby Hush)

As usual the Gordon/Bullock stuff was great, and the two characters/actors are showing a lot of chemistry that makes watching them the best part of the show.

The show would benefit from focusing on Gordon’s story without the goofier elements (Nygma), pointless elements (Barbara, Catwoman), and sending Bruce Wayne off to train with Lady Shiva and Ducard for a season or two.


100 Word TV Review: Doctor Who: Robot of Sherwood


Now we’re talking. A rip-roaring historical adventure full of banter, bravado, robots and Ben Miller, Robot of Sherwood was a much more entertaining episode than last week. The Doctor let his Malcolm Tucker out threatening to punch Robin Hood, hating the sound of laughter and generally being a grumpy bastard. Clara continues to get more space to grow as a character and has moved away from simply being the answer to one of the Doctor’s questions. Mark Gatiss (legend!) writes great, cheesy dialogue for his medieval characters who and they even manage to make a sword/spoon fight not that silly.


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Marrying the Animal