
100 Word TV Review: Gotham: Harvey Dent


Gotham again succeeds by dropping the freaks and upping the gangsters. Harvey Dent segued into the show nicely and the writers managed to get his Two-Face things (coin and intense anger) done with a finesse they have previously lacked (i.e. the Riddler).

The Bruce and Selina scenes, which I thought were going to be awful, were actually very sweet. The trio of Bruce, Selina, and Alfred work well together and I could happily watch more of their story in the coming weeks.

The final scene was disappointing and I worry what it will lead to (hopefully Barbara leaving the show).


100 Word TV Review: Gotham: The Mask


Last week Gotham put the gangsters/Gordon forward and the episode was great. This week had Barbara, Catwoman, Nygma, and Bruce Wayne’s school life and suffered for it (Actually I did like Wayne beating up Tommy Elliot/Baby Hush)

As usual the Gordon/Bullock stuff was great, and the two characters/actors are showing a lot of chemistry that makes watching them the best part of the show.

The show would benefit from focusing on Gordon’s story without the goofier elements (Nygma), pointless elements (Barbara, Catwoman), and sending Bruce Wayne off to train with Lady Shiva and Ducard for a season or two.


100 Word TV Review: Gotham: The Spirit of the Goat


Yay, Barbara returned to add nothing to the story.

Gotham is in sight of its tipping point that will turn it into something awesome. This episode, The Spirit of the Goat, was a step in the right direction. By dropping out the gang war plot and fish Mooney for an hour to focus on Bullock and Gordon, the show gave a glimpse of how good it can be. Logue and McKenzie are charming actors and when they are together it is entertaining to watch. Gotham needs to move past the campiness of the Mooney plot and stick with the detectives.


My ebook, available at Amazon. 

Marrying the Animal




100 Word TV Review: Gotham: Viper


A big element of the Batman story is the idea that Batman’s existence causes the rise of the freaks and weirdos in Gotham. Prior to the Bat there were only gangsters and corruption. The appearance of Batman causes the escalation to the cartoon-y villains that fill the comics now. Gotham is playing it the other way around. If the shows continues for years down the line I think we will see that these freaks and weirdos are going to be what creates Batman.

And the review? Another entertaining, capable episode (and no Barbara!) that continues to showcase the series’ potential.


My ebook, available at Amazon. 

Marrying the Animal



100 Word TV Review: Gotham: Arkham


Barbara’s character continues to be pointless. I could spend all one hundred words deriding her character shifts and mood swings but I won’t.

Instead I’ll focus on the positives. Gotham’s finding its feet bit by bit and I’m especially enamoured with Cobblepot’s subplot of his slow, Machivellian rise to power. Pushing the bat references to the background and bringing the crime element to the front has improved the show a lot though it still dangerously veers back and forth between high camp and dark grit. I’m happy to hear it’s been given more episodes and hopefully it will continue improving.


My ebook, available at Amazon. 

Marrying the Animal